FAMI - QS Certification Consultants
We can help organizations in achieving FAMI - QS certification, ISO 22000 certification from certification agencies like SGS, TUV, BVQI, UKAS, NABCB etc.
Though ISO 22000 covers requirements of FAMI - QS certification, many times organizations have to obtain ISO 22000 and FAMI - QS certification both due to customer requirements or somes times due to statutory requirements.
We can help organizations in achieving FAMI - QS food certification, ISO 22000 food certification with complete guidance for FAMI - QS documentation, ISO 22000 documentation, FAMI - QS training, ISO 22000 requirements trainings, Guidance on physical / infrastructural changes for achieving FAMI - QS certification - ISO 22000 certification and coordination with FAMI - QS and ISO 22000 certification agency till certification is achieved.
Key steps in FAMI-QS certification process are
- Micro level survey of the existing system and submit gap analysis report
- Conduct Fami-QS general awareness program for all employees
- Form a steering committee and task force for documentation
- Define policy and establish objectives related to FAMI –QS guidline.
- Prepare documents of Fami-QS feed safety management system.
- Implementation & train all personnel in the use of procedures & formats.
- Also give training to employee related to Food safety hazards identification evaluation and control.
- Train key functional head for internal audits.
- Assess the system through first internal audit.
- Take corrective actions for non-conformities.
- Do the registration to FAMI-QS certification
- Pay fees to FAMI-QS (Fees to be paid annually directly to FAMI-QS)
- Avail pre-certification audit of certifying body.(Optional)
- Take actions on suggestions given by them.
- Final audit by certifying body.
- Close findings of Fami-QS certification audit.
- Re-certification after 3 years through full audit or continual assessment.
Benefit of FAMI-QS Standard
- As FAMI-QS code standard has been approved by European Authorities that getting certified is the best way of proving to your clients and local authorities that your products meet regulatory criteria.
- Increased transparency towards your clients & other stakeholders.
- Minimization of significant animal feed risks,that adulterated feed additives and premixtures erter the feed chain.
- Increased staff motivation by focusing on a job well done.
- Effective control of internal process minimizing risk of failure.
- Signal sent about a proactive approach to feed safety & quality.
- Avoid audit duplication thanks to the mutual recognition with other animal feed schemes.
- Focus kept on your essential challenges.
- Reduces the need for and the cost of end product testing.
- Dynamic communication on food safety issues with suppliers, customers, regulators and other interested parties.
Fami QS Requirements
> HACCP requirements
> General requirements
> Documentation requirements
> Management commitment
> Resources requirements